Upcoming Events

13 events
SAT Prep Course
Apr 01

Virtual SAT Prep Course

This virtual 4-week course offered to rising juniors and seniors covers strategies for both the math and reading & writing components.
Mom and son in the pool for the Easter Egg Hunt with white Y logo overtop
Apr 13
Cranford YMCA

Easter Egg Hunt in the Pool

Open to the Community! Visit the Easter Bunny and swim for Easter eggs in the pool...collect the most in 30 minutes and win a prize!
Cranford YMCA
Babysitter Feeding Child
Apr 15
Training & Safety

Babysitter's Training and Pediatric First Aid/CPR

This course provides youth who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants.
Westfield Area YMCA
Seniors making sandwiches which a Y logo overtop
Apr 15

Sandwich Making Event

FREE & open to the community! Join the Westfield Area YMCA and JFSCNJ Americorps Seniors for an afternoon get together to make sandwiches for those in need in our community.
Westfield Area YMCA
5 participants of paint and donate
Apr 16

Paint & Donate

Open to the Community! Show your appreciation through creation and paint a canvas for a senior!
Westfield Area YMCA