Strong Kids+ Strong Kids+

Thanks to the Strong Kids+ Annual Support Campaign, financial assistance is available to individuals and families with a bona fide financial hardship to participate in YMCA programs and memberships. 

Financial assistance is available to individuals or families who have submitted complete applications with required attachments and:

  • cannot pay full program or membership fees and meet specific financial guidelines
  • live or work in the Westfield Area YMCA service area of Cranford, Garwood, Mountainside or Westfield

Learn more and apply

Applications are available below and at every Y location.



Strong Kids+ Logo
The majority of financial assistance awards enable children to attend the Y's early learning, school age and summer camp programs. Awards also enable families and seniors to benefit from wellness opportunities at the Y like aquatics, sports and fitness classes. PLUS, youth, teen, senior and special needs programs are subsidized to ensure they are available for all.