First Visit?

Complete a registration form at the Welcome Center. Present the child’s birth certificate to Kids Club staff at first visit.

The Need To Know:

  • Parent/guardian must be a member and remain in the building
  • 2 hour max. for ages 2 years+ and 1.5 hour max. for ages 18 mo.-2 years
  • Labeled drinks and snacks permitted (no nuts, no nut products, no candy/gum, no popcorn for children under 3 years)
  • Sneakers or rubber-soled/closed-toe shoes required (no flip flops or sandals)

Child is signed in and out. Parents must label their child’s drink, place a name-tag on the child. It is best to label all belongings. Child is only released to the same adult that signed them in. Parent may be asked to show ID until we get to know you!

The classroom and all toys are cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. Child may only attend when they are healthy.  If your child shows any symptoms of being ill you must submit a doctor’s note stating that they are not contagious. Also submit in writing any allergies or special medical needs. A child who is home from school sick, demonstrating COVID symptoms, or has been asked to quarantine is not permitted.

Please bring your child to the bathroom and/or put on a fresh diaper before coming to the program. We will call parents to change any diapers or help a child who is newly potty-trained and requires assistance.

In the event of an emergency, the staff will evacuate the children to the sidewalk on Ferris Place.  Parents should evacuate from the nearest exit and walk around to meet their child.  We have enough Y staff to safely evacuate the rooms.  Child must be signed out before departure.

Kids Club is typically closed for one week in August. Inclement weather alerts are posted on

Philosophy of Discipline and First Days

Philosophy of Discipline

The Westfield Area YMCA holds children in the highest regard. We believe in promoting a healthy self-image and always reinforce positive behavior. We accomplish this by practicing the techniques of encouragement, acknowledgement of positive behaviors, shaping and role modeling. When we need to extinguish negative behaviors we rely on non-threatening techniques. Children are first distracted from the negative situation and then redirected to something positive. If necessary a quiet area is used to provide children several seconds to think about their actions.

We at the Westfield Area Y believe children need structure and discipline. We strongly believe that children are human beings who require respect. Our philosophy of discipline reflects these feelings.

The Y reserves the right to discipline any child from Kids Club who is harmful or a threat to the well being of any other children/staff or that does not adhere to the policies and procedures. The expulsion policy is detailed in the handbook.

First Days

As the first few days can be an adjustment period for children, it is vital for a successful experience at the Y. We also know that this period is difficult for parents as well.

There are some children who find it difficult adjusting to new groups and a new environment; they may be more comfortable beginning the program with shorter hours and gradually lengthening their stay over a two or three day period.

For the well being of the child who arrives anxious or upset, the staff will try to accept their behavior without pressuring them. They help the child deal with separation by encouraging the child to focus their attention on an area of interest.

Saying goodbye is an important part of the child’s adjustment. It is reassuring to the child to be told when the parents are leaving, rather then finding the parents have disappeared from the room. If your child is crying and we can’t calm them down we will come to get you after fifteen minutes.

Families should be greeted and acknowledged by the staff. It is reassuring to the child to hear the parents and staff exchange greetings and goodbyes. In addition it ensures that the staff are aware that the child has entered the room and he/she is now responsible for the child.