Many ways to help the Y serve the community

The Westfield Area Y is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and are acknowledged in writing.

Strong Kids+ Annual Support Campaign

The financial assistance program enables children in need to attend the Y's early learning, school age, and summer camp programs and families and seniors to benefit from health & wellness opportunities. PLUS...youth, teen, senior, and programs for special health conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, are subsidized to ensure they are available for all.

Inclusion Programs

You can support the inclusive programs that serve those with special or adaptive needs such as in-camp support for our summer camp, Adapt-Ability for young adults, and Rainbowfish youth swim lessons.

Achievers Program

Achievers is a college readiness, career development, life skills, leadership and mentoring program for diverse high school students in Union County. 

Capital Campaign

Help the Y meet current and future community needs by improving ADA-accessibility and enhancing infrastructure.

Triangle Society Endowment Fund

Membership in the Triangle Society is given to donors whose gifts to the endowment fund have a value of $5,000 or more, whether they be deferred gifts, outright gifts or bequests in wills.

Questions? Contact:

Marla Itzkin

Director of Communications & Development

Phone: 908-301-9622 ext. 264